Russell R Charles Music
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"Russell R. Charles...Releases Hit song:"In Miami"
The Hit song;"In Miami" is hot hip and has a mix of hiphop,rnb,latin sound. If you have not listen to this song yet
I beg you do it now!
Put our expertise to work for you. At Russell R Charles Music, we are proud to have received the following recognition for our contributions to the community as a premier provider of services for the Miami area.
"Russell R. Charles Music Video Being Made!
                "In Miami"
We will put this music video in a form of hiphop, latin and rnb mix. which will make it unique. 
Shows will be starting in October!
So please keep an eye on our events!
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"Russell R Charles Music Has the best Hit Song for 2017 called "In Miami" We were very happy with the results."
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